19 research outputs found

    Ethics and humanism in the machine era

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    In a society based on technology, the human being loses their centrality and triggers the fourth revolution by means of scientific advancement and digital progress: that of the rupture of anthropocentrism, of industry 4.0 and of the infosphere. The scientific and academic debate must focus its attention, among various elements, on the formulation of new ethical principles that can guide a person in their interaction, interconnection and, in some cases, "fusion" with the "machine" and its accompanying values. The advent of artificial intelligences is producing changes in the management of common liberties, of private and public life, of the individual and of the community, which increasingly seek in the "artificialisation" of the self and in their relationship with machines, places, subjects, reflections of interaction with each other and with the other self. The sophistication of technology and, therefore, of reality indicate the need to rethink the relationship between the tangibility of the natural and its mechaniseddigitalised representations. What will be the ethics of the future? What are the values to support in the new revolution that sees the person flanked by the machine? What are, at present, the global choices on these issues

    The forgery of deepfake and the "advent" of artificial intelligence

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    The concept of politics changes its semantic value according to the historical period and the cultural changes affecting the social fabric. In classical literature, there was no distinction between politics and society or politics and ethics, since the first indicated the collective space in which cultural, social, economic relations of human life developed that were differentiated from other living forms. To date, with the advent of digitalization and artificial intelligence, we have a concrete assessment of how politics has acquired a new perspective and is changing to adapt to new technologies and its uses: on the one hand, we are experiencing the propagation of debate, confrontation, and information accessible at any time. On the other hand, it has become an instrument for the annihilation of rivals and subjugation of those who consider any data received from the Internet as truthful, exploiting the media and digital technologies, until it pervades the social structure, making even nonsense seem credible. The purpose of this contribution, therefore, is to outline theoretically the contours and contemporary phenomena that relate, through a dialogical relationship, with the use of deepfake techniques and artificial intelligence technology, the concepts of politics - in its dimension of the relationship of collective power - and of social communication

    Anaïs THEVIOT (2019), Big Data électoral. Dis-moi qui tu es, je te dirai pour qui voter

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    La numérisation de la société et des dispositifs interconnectés a conduit à la personnalisation de l’individu, favorisant une production spontanée de « figures » à travers n’importe quel outil, remodelant la perception que le sujet a de lui-même et de l’autre, établissant une relation plus intime avec la machine, apparemment strictement opérationnelle. Ce qui est souvent négligé, cependant, est la valeur hautement sémantique des données collectées qui nécessiterait une nouvelle théorie de la ..

    Narrative and life stories: from the machine to the person

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    La società contemporanea non è più ambiente sociale antropocentrico, ma deve essere sempre più concepita come spazio in cui gli algoritmi intelligenti, presenti in ogni dispositivo digitale, stanno acquisendo, sempre più, uno status di soggetto e meno di oggetto. La creatura sta cercando di acquisire una parvenza di indipendenza dal creatore grazie al machine learning, ai big data, al machine to machine e alle molteplici modalità attraverso le quali l’essere umano non è posto più al centro del mondo? L’intelligenza artificiale rappresenta l’ennesima rivoluzione che scardina il domino dell’essere umano da settori di enorme rilevanza come l’informazione, la diffusione del sapere, la costruzione identitaria del soggetto sociale? Le pratiche esistenziali mutano ad ogni istante, ad ogni accesso a questi agenti intelligenti che, oltre a sostenere le richieste dell’utente, ne divengono anticipatrici e preveggenti, dimostrando come sia imprescindibile, oggi, analizzare sociologicamente la società e la realtà attraverso l’immagine che ne dona la macchina. Il loro contributo deve essere percepito come una collaborazione che possa permettere all’umanità di progredire e di conoscere nuove prospettive e orizzonti. Secondo questa prospettiva, l’ausilio degli STS diviene fondamentale per la disamina di un’ontologia delle macchine in cui si disvela un attore non umano che contribuisce alla costruzione socio-tecnologica della società e dei mutamenti culturali che queste agiscono e retroagiscono sulla persona. L’intento del contributo, di natura principalmente teorica, sarà di dialogare in merito alla centralità dell’intelligenza artificiale quale attrice protagonista delle molteplici manifestazioni delle culture e delle pratiche digitali, avendo lo scopo di rinnovare il dibattito sulla riflessione sulla complessità contemporanea partendo dalla manifestazione delle potenzialità dell’algoritmo, passando per il suo rapporto con l’essere e, infine, stabilire un approccio metodologico simile alla narrazione di delle storie di vita che non apparterrebbero più solo all’umano, ma si avvicinerebbe sempre più all’agente intelligente artificiale che le assorbe, elabora e rende proprie

    Intelligenze artificiali ed etica. Il rapporto sociale tra persona e macchina

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    In a society based on technology, human being loses its centrality and triggers the fourth revolution by means of scientific advance-ment and digital progress: that of the rupture of anthropocentrism, of industry 4.0 and of the infosphere. The academic debate must focus its attention on the formulation of new ethical principles that can guide a person in their interaction, interconnection and, in some cases, fusion with the machine. The advent of A.I. is producing changes in the management of common liberties (private and public), which increasingly seek in the artificialisation of the self and in their relationship with machines and subjects. The sophistication of technology and, therefore, of reality indicate the need to rethink the relationship between the tangibility of the natural and its mechanised-digitalised representations. What will be the ethics of the future? What are the values to support in the new revolution that sees the person flanked by the machine

    David LYON (2018), The Culture of Surveillance

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    De l’échange de courriels aux messages sur les réseaux sociaux en passant par les photos, les vidéos pour enregistrer des données et, encore une fois, les recherches effectuées sur Google, les achats sur Amazon, les applications de rencontres ou de divertissement, l’individu de la société contemporaine a décidé de laisser une trace de chacun de ses mouvements, champs d’intérêt, rêves ou peurs dans les mailles de la technologie et de la numérisation. L’importance de ce dernier livre de David L..

    Tecnologie artificiali e Covid-19.

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